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KOWIN Victoria News (March 2022)

Jul 25, 2024

5 min read




4 April 2022

Happy Autumn to KOWIN Members and Friends!

JOIN US at the Australia-Korea Women in Leadership Lunch

Igniting Women to Strengthen Australian and Korean Business Relationships

KOWIN are organising a table at the upcoming Australia Korea Women in Leadership Lunch. If you would like to join us please contact us for your subsidised tickets (KOWIN members 30% discount off the $110 tickets)


AKBC supports enabling pathways and opportunities for women in leadership. We strive to open doors and create a world where equality persists over tradition and talent is rewarded. We believe that diversity brings real productivity gains and there are many highly qualified women working in the Australia-Korea trade who have skills and knowledge which warrant their seat at the table. In 2022, the AKBC is hosting a series of 'Australia-Korea Women in Leadership Lunches' in three locations - Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. These events will assist women and men – working in the Australia-Korea relationship – to build leadership skills, share knowledge and establish robust, mutually-beneficial networks. We will celebrate the success and resilience of women working in the Australia-Korea bilateral relationship.  

Following the Sydney lunch on 24 March, our Melbourne event will be held on Thursday 7 April, and we invite you to join us for a two-course lunch. It will be sure to strengthen your female business network and provide access to a deep pool of talent and mentor/mentee relationships.

We are delighted to be hosting this event to coincide with the Victorian Government hosting of six female journalists from the Korean Women’s Journalist Association (KWJA). The purpose of the visit is to showcase Victoria’s capabilities in medtech and biotech, while highlighting female leadership in the sector and more broadly. The journalists will be visiting a number of key institutions and companies in Melbourne with capabilities in the sector, such as The Doherty Institute, the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.  Following their return to Korea, the journalists will publish articles about their experience in Australia ahead of BioKorea, a major biotech industry trade show in May.  We look forward to welcoming the delegation to this lunch.

This event is also sponsored by the Australia-Korea Foundation.

This event is for you if:

  •  You are working in the Australia-Korea relationship

  •  You are a current or emerging leader, with a growth mindset

  •  You are looking to expand your network.

Will the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family be Abolished? 

By Melinda Ngo, KOWIN Intern

Ministry of Gender Equality and FamilyThe South Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family was formed in 2001 with major feminist breakthroughs following, including the establishment of the Korean Women's International Network, to support working Korean women around the world.It is in charge of planning gender-related policies, such as expanding women's social participation, preventing domestic and sexual violence and protecting victims. This includes the adoption of gender quotas in elections, abolition of the traditional Korean patriarchal family registration system which required all family members to register under a male family head and decriminalising abortion. 

Plans for Abolishment of the Ministry of Gender Equality and FamilyThe future of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family has now become uncertain with newly elected president Yoon Suk-yeol’s campaign pledge to close the ministry- claiming that women do not suffer systemic gender discrimination. He has pledged to strengthen penalties for false accusations of sex crimes, undermining the accomplishments of the MeToo movement. The pledge became one of the most controversial issues during the presidential elections this year and has helped engage those with anti-feminist sentiments. Hundreds of women have marched to protest against the misogynist campaign pledge. 

Gender Inequality in South KoreaGiven the achievement of South Korea’s rapid economic growth, South Korean women have made considerable advancements in many areas including education and health. However, despite this, Korea has the largest gender pay gap of OECD countries at 20 per cent, lowest share of women on boards of publicly listed companies with only 5.2% of board members being female. Korea has also ranked last among developed countries for several years in a row in the Economist’s “glass-ceiling index,” which measures the role and influence of women in the workforce. These statistics are especially concerning considering the fast economic growth of South Korea. 

What does this mean?With the aims and vision of KOWIN being to equip and enable women to find success in their fields, an abolishment of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family may mean that we have less chance to help the women in the world (Australian Korean Women) who face misogyny and systemic inequality. The aftermaths of an abolition may ultimately exacerbate the unfair treatment women face all around the world. 

How can you help?SIGN THE PETITION: 

Resources & References: 

Victorian Chamber Presents: Alan Joyce CEO Qantas

Tuesday, 05 April 12:00pm - 2:30pmMCEC, 1 Convention Centre Place South Wharf VIC 3006 AustraliaSubsidised KOWIN member tickets $180 (regular $215)

Leadership, lessons and preparing for takeoff

Many businesses struggled to survive 2020 and many did not make it through the year. Redundancies, stand downs, significant loss of revenue and operations being shut down are just some of the business crisis issues many companies faced. So what does it take to lead a global business through a pandemic?

Join us for lunch and hear from one of Australia’s most well-known and recognised business leaders, Alan Joyce AC, CEO of the Qantas Group. In an open discussion Alan will share with us the business challenges and lessons he has faced in his role over the last 12 months as well as what the future looks like for Qantas and the plan to survive aviation’s biggest-ever crisis.

Alan Joyce was appointed the CEO and Managing Director of Qantas Airways in 2008. Since then he has led the company to dizzying heights of growth in the incredibly turbulent airline industry. However, since March 2020, Qantas’s international operations have all but entirely ceased and the unpredictable domestic market has run at significantly reduced capacity, with domestic borders regularly slamming shut. No other industry has been impacted as much as the aviation industry during this pandemic.

Alan and his executive team have been implementing a recovery plan to steer the national carrier through the crisis, which has included tough decisions on jobs, close management of cash, equity and debt raisings and preparing for the resumption of international travel.

So what does the future of Australia’s aviation industry look like? Please join us for this exclusive event to find out.

Media Gallery

The Victorian Multicultural Commission Gala Ball was a festive showcase of diverse music, costumes and culture. I was proud to have an opportunity to wear a Korean hanbok (first time in 25 years) and share my heritage with fellow Victorians.It was great to be able to attend with my fellow board members of KOWIN Victoria (Korean Women’s International Network) to represent out Korean Australian community.I love our City of Melbourne - we really embrace multiculturalism for the diversity, joy and colour it brings to all our lives.

Victorian Multicultural Commission Gala Ball은 다양한 음악, 의상, 문화가 어우러진 축제의 쇼케이스였습니다. 한국의 한복(25년 만에 처음으로)을 입고 내 유산을 동료 빅토리아 주민들과 공유할 수 있는 기회를 갖게 된 것을 자랑스럽게 생각했습니다.

코윈 빅토리아(한국 여성 국제 네트워크)의 동료 이사들과 함께 호주 한인 커뮤니티를 대표할 수 있어서 정말 좋았습니다.

저는 우리의 멜번 시를 사랑합니다. 우리는 다문화주의가 우리 삶에 가져다주는 다양성, 기쁨, 색채 때문에 진정으로 포용합니다.

Karen Kim- President, KOWIN Victoria


We now have a KOWIN facebook private group as an alternative to Kakaotalk (we can use both)CLICK HERE TO JOIN

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Jul 25, 2024

5 min read